Thursday, January 17, 2008


Chickens are slammed into small cages and trucked to the slaughterhouse through all weather extremes. Hundreds of millions suffer from broken wings and legs from rough handling, and millions die from the stress of the journey. At the slaughterhouse, their legs are snapped into shackles, their throats are cut, and they are immersed in scalding hot water to remove their feathers. Because they have no federal legal protection (birds are exempt from the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act) most are still conscious when their throats are cut open, and many are literally scalded in the feather-removal tanks after missing the throat cutter.


Kindness Not Faith said...

Keep getting the truth out Dad!!!!

oscar said...

You betcha! Animals think, feel, play and procreate just like we do. Let them live. Why eatq dead flesh.