Thursday, January 17, 2008


Birds exploited for their eggs, called "laying hens" by the industry, are crammed together in wire cages where they don't have enough room to even spread their wings. The cages are stacked on top of each other, and the excrement from chickens in the higher cages constantly fall on those below. The birds have part of their sensitive beaks cut off so that they won't peck each other as the result of the frustration created by the unnatural confinenment. After their bodies are exhausted and their production drops, they are shipped to slaughter, generally to be turned into chicken soup or cat and dog food because their flesh is too bruised and battered to be used for much else.
Free range chickens produce better eggs and the chickens will thank you.
NOTE: Because the male chicks of egg-laying breeder hens are unable to lay eggs and are not bred to produce excessive flesh for the meat industry, they are killed. Every year, more than 100 million of these young birds are ground up alive or tossed into bags to suffocate.

1 comment:

Kindness Not Faith said...

Sad, barbaric and completely unnecessary. Thanks for exposing the truth.