Friday, July 20, 2007


Stickers are plastered all over his back window telling all and sundry that this driver is a traveling man, hitting all the amusement and scenic parks, whoopee! Further releases include, “I love my wife,”
“Proud parent of an honor student,” (Goody, goody gum drop, I can sleep now). You are assured that Jesus loves you as well. This is a man with a mission designed to capture your attention. Frankly, I don’t care if Jesus loves me, that he loves his wife, that he has an honor student aboard, or whether he has been to any kind of park.


BumbleVee said...

The ones I love best are the dingbat mothers with "Baby on Board" signs... who are the worst drivers in the world and are always to be found cruising around school zones; not paying any attention whatsoever to other vehicles, or speed limits...the designated parking zones or the crosswalks when they do exit their vehicle. They stop anywhere they happen to spot one of their other, many offspring, wave them over to the car and the kid runs straight out into traffic...way to go Mom...!!! teach them to be just as senseless as you and wonder why they get whacked. I have seen 2 kids get hit in just such a manner. I could cheerfully jump out of my own still running car..let it roll down an incline into the schoolbus (as I have also seen) ....and laugh as I wring their stupid mother necks.

Randall Phillip Davis aka. "Baby Doll" said...

Greetings dear sir, have you ever heard of an itsy bitsy teeny weeny little ol' thing called freedom of religion!
Oh yeah how about I do an itsy bitsy teeny weeny little dance for for it! Any who, I got oodles of bumper stickers and proud of it darln'. A little bit of sassitude can go a long way!!!!!
("this car runs on sass") that's an original by the way . But seriusly folks, Christians for that matter, it is your responisibility as christian americans to spread the gospel any way you see fit, be it the internet, be it bumper stickers, be it telephone seliciting. Don't be a slacker, Christ wasn't. What are you waiting for?! These are the end days.

ps. sir "Baby Doll" has left the building. thanks for your respect, I'm sorry for your mistakes.