Tuesday, May 6, 2008


CIRCUMCISION is as old or older than prostitution. Millions of males have gone through the mill and lived to tell the tale.
Looking back I can attest to feeling absolutely no pain, I was all of 8 days when I found myself sitting on my father's lap and waiting for my foreskin to be removed. This is either done by a doctor or in my case by a Mohel who is called upon to do the removal for Jewish boys, called a Bris, kind of a religious, traditional ceremony. He does it with a steady, practiced hand, after some thousands of accurate cuts.

To make it easier and less painful, the Mohel dipped some cotton batting in some wine and gently slipped it into my waiting mouth and before I could count ten it was over and I did not feel a thing, so there. Everybody then cries Mazel tov and begins to eat everthing in sight, along with some wine or a shot of brandy or just eating non-stop.

So now a little bit of what circumcision really is and some of the advantages. At birth, boys have skin that covers the end of the penis or weewee as it is called in polite circles. This is called the foreskin and is removed so that the tip of the penis (the glans) and the opening through which the baby urinates (the urethra) are exposed.

Now for the advantages. Chances of getting a urinary tract infection in the first year of life is lessened. Cancer of the penis
is essentially eliminated in circumcised males. The risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases are lower. Circumcision eliminates foreskin infection that may occur at the peak ages of 3 to 5 years. Phimosis, a narrow opening that makes it impossible to retract the foreskin at a later age, is prevented by the famous cut. And finally, genital hygiene, which is particularly important in unsanitary conditions, maybe easier after circumcision. Oops, one more thing; cleansing in and around the area is much easier with circumcised males, no smegma (a cheesy sebaceous matter that collects between the glans penis and the foreskin.) Oy vay!!!

So mothers or anybody that's listening, give a little listen and make your boy happy, healthy, and ready to plunge easily and effectively. Ooh, did I say a bad word?


Nicabar said...

Dear Oscar,

I think you sincerely and deeply believe the information and advice you gave about circumcision. However, I also believe your judgment is clouded by your lack of choice in the matter when it happened to you, and possibly even by supernatural beliefs that this body alteration is divinely prescribed for at least some people.

A more secular and rational viewpoint is that circumcision is medically unnecessary, and thus more akin to assault than to ethically practiced medicine. Facts abound that the foreskin is composed of unique and sensitive structures, and that no purported medical benefits justify prophylactic amputation. No subjective valuation of a foreskin's worth licenses it's removal, unless emanating from the attached, informed and consenting owner.

I sincerely hope that you dedicate yourself to a full and accurate appreciation of normal male anatomy, analyze the ethical issues involved, recognize the lack of medical need, embrace the position that respects the rights of each individual to their own body, and then advocate for such rights both within and outside your community.

oscar said...

Nicabar I respect your opinion, one well written, but I stand firmly entrenched in my original view ... circumcision is the right way to go and is not divinely prescribed. I do not believe in the supernaturall or any super being. The ceremony is simply traditonal, There is no assault involved -- that is a rediculous statement with no merit.
I have never had venereal disease despite leaving myself open too often to contracting same. World War 11 is one example. As a veteran, I plead guilty to being guilty.